Kingsborough Center for eLearning (KCeL) [L-705]

Online/Hybrid Teaching Certification Process

If you would like to teach an online course, please complete the following certification process:

1. Consult with your department chairperson about your interest in teaching a hybrid/online course. Once you have been assigned a hybrid or online course for the upcoming semester, you will be able to register for the CUNY SPS Online course (next step).

2. Enroll in and complete the CUNY SPS online course, Preparation for Teaching Online: A Foundational Workshop for CUNY Faculty. You need to be familiar with the basics of Blackboard before beginning the workshop. If you need training on Blackboard, please contact KCeL (, ext: 6622, L705).

3. Develop and teach an online course and document the process in a Blackboard e-Portfolio. Your portfolio will be evaluated based on a rubric. The following materials are to be included in your portfolio:

• Syllabus

• Reflective Statement

• Syllabus Sample Online Assignments

• Samples of Student Work (various levels of success)

• Sample Instructor's responses

• Pilot a revised version of the course based on the feedback you receive about your e-portfolio.

You will be compensated for successfully completing the SPS online course with 10 NTA hours. In addition, you will receive 0.5 hr reassigned time during the semester in which you pilot your new online course.